Lua Learning
Lua Learning is a free-to-use platform for interactive learning in a Roblox game.
With an in-game IDE, custom curriculum, and sandboxed code execution, students and inquiring minds can learn by doing. Lessons, quizzes, quests, tutorials, and more!
Our founder, Zack Ovits, created Lua Learning in 2018. He worked on it all by himself for four long years,
accumulating millions of visits, the #1 Top Rated PC Game on the Roblox games page, and earning the
Most Educational Game in the 2020 Bloxy Awards.
He knew it was time to step it up, so he built Torpedo Software to help him do so.
Lua Learning is founded upon three unwavering principles:
Interactive learning. The best way to learning programming is by doing. Lua Learning focuses
on keeping content interactive, allowing users to write and run code as they learn to help them utilize & internalize their new knowledge.
Community collaboration. There are many people who have knowledge to share, and Lua Learning gives them a
platform to do so. Users can submit their own tutorials into Lua Learning, and other users can comment, vote, and even award them.
Accessible to all. This means that all its content is freely available,
runs perfectly on low end devices, supports disabilities and special needs, and is translated into many languages.
Utilizing Roblox's Open Cloud, the community tutorial content is also available on to further ensure that the content is
accessible to everyone, everywhere, all the time. This goes hand in hand with our community collaboration principle,
as we want to let everyone into our wonderful community.
Lua Learning has been a hotbed of innovation and technology, and as part of Torpedo Software we always aim to share our knowledge with the world.
Many of the underlying systems of Lua Learning have been open sourced, including but not limited to:
RichText syntax highlighting engine
Authenticated encryption of Roblox networking with ECDH key exchanges and ChaCha20 ciphering.
Simple Lua unit testing framework
Atomic locking global data storage in Roblox
Cryptographic hash library for Roblox
Robust dynamic values system for live updating games
Customizable scrolling frame capabilities in Roblox
Roblox markdown rendering engine
A GitHub action for utilizing Roblox Open Cloud for automated testing and deployment
Infinitely expanding dynamic data storage
GitHub GraphQL utilities in Roblox
Last but not least, Lua Learning has been the primary user of Fusion, helping to develop and
test this powerful framework even before it was publicly available.